How Bill made winter sports trips a whole lot cooler
Winter was coming and Tikkie was facing a problem – their Groepie function just wasn’t getting the love it deserved. They were afraid of being left out in the icy cold. What were they going to do to stay warm? Time to call Uncle Bill and ask for some hot social activation cuddles.
We gathered around the fireplace and put on our thinking caps. To boost usage of the Groepie feature during winter sports season, we realized we could exploit two key insights about the Dutchies:
1) The Dutchies love winter sports
2) With a severe lack of proper mountains nearby, planning winter getaways is a nightmare
So, to help our fellow citizens van Oranje have a more hassle-free trip to the mountains, we introduced the “Groepie Groepsfahrt” campaign – friend groups who created a Groepie before their ski trip could win a luxurious, over-the-top après-ski experience in Santa’s gleaming white limousine, complete with piping hot Bratwürsten, decadent Kaiserschmarrn, and rivers of ice-cold schnapps.